Cats, as we all know, are purrveyors of the finest in internet culture. With the advent of Typelevel’s Cats they also provide a solid functional foundation for your Scala codebase. And, with the release of Cats 1.0.0-RC1 comes version 1.0.0-RC1 of our long-awaited and recently-rebranded book, Scala with Cats. Take a peek at the first physical copy after the break!
This proof came back from the printers earlier today. I’m pawsitively rolling on the floor with excitement. After three years in development, the arrival of a physical book is a hisstoric moment. I’m not even kitten:

Scala with Cats is about type class based functional programming in Scala. It introduces a set of core abstractions—monoids, monads, traversals, and so on—explains them with simple descriptions and examples, and shows you concisely how to take advantage of them using the Cats library. And, of course, it features an adorable mascot illustrated by the supremely talented Jenny Clements.
The updated version of the book hit the web site earlier this week, so if you don’t already have it go and grab your copy now! We’ll also have a limited number of paper copies to give away at Scala Exchange and our upcoming commercial Cats training course, together with exclusive and adorable t-shirts and laptop stickers.