Playing "Type Tetris"

I’m going to try to explain a technique called type-driven development. It’s where we write as much code as possible using only types, deferring any non-type details until later. We’ll see how it helps us as we develop a small service that supports authentication. Along the way we’ll see how we can use abstract types, the ??? method, and the Scala compiler itself to converge towards a good solution to our task.

Since type-driven development doesn’t sound very fun, I like to call it “Type Tetris”. How is programming with (only) types like Tetris?

  • Main goal: we want horizontal lines of blocks to disappear (We want the code to compile)
  • Tetriminos (Tetris blocks) fit together in space. Sometimes they align in useful ways, other times they don’t. (Types combine by making new types, and expressions can successfully, or unsuccessfully typecheck.)
  • Blocks have already been dropped, accumulating at the bottom of the board. There are gaps we’d like to fill, to make them disappear, using new pieces that fall from above. (We figure out the type(s) we need to so our code will compile)

To spell out the analogy:

Tetris Type Tetris
blocks expressions
block shapes (e.g., L-shape vs. Z-shape) expressions have a type
blocks fit together in space we compose expressions into new expressions
there are horizontal gaps we need to fill the code doesn’t typecheck
horizontal lines of blocks disappear the code is successfully typechecked by the compiler

Tetris basic game

This is a powerful, and fun, technique because we specifically avoid implementation details, and instead focus solely on creating the correct types and (function) type signatures. (We’re going to specifically talk about function types: types that have types for inputs, and an output type.)

Let’s use “Type Tetris” to start working on the following toy problem:

Create a service skeleton that reads a request and produces a response.

The request needs to be authorized: pass some credentials and authorize them. Do some work only if the request is authorized. The work should be completed asynchronously.

Let’s code!

Start with the types

Let’s start with the barest skeleton of code to define our service. We’re going to only create types and function signatures (where are simply function types):

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  // abstract types!
  type Request
  type Response

  def service(request: Request): Future[Response] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

What’s that ????

// defined in Prelude.scala
def ??? : Nothing = throw new NotImplementedError

You put it anywhere where you need to return a value, but haven’t actually computed it yet. It has type Nothing, which is a subtype of every type, so your methods will compile (but not run without an error).

Modeling authorization

Hmm, what’s authorization? We certainly need to do it, whatever it is, before we “really” process the request. So maybe authorization transforms a Request into another Request:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  type Request
  type Response

  def service(request: Request): Future[Response] =
    // transform the request and then really process it (we don't know how yet, so write ???)
    (authorize _ andThen ???)(request)

  def authorize(request: Request): Request = ??? // defer writing this by using ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Something like that.

Maybe we need different Request subtypes, one for unauthorized, one for authorized. Let’s try that:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request // algebraic data type!

  object Request {
    final case class Unauthorized() extends Request
    final case class Authorized() extends Request

  type Response

  def service(request: Request): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)


  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] = ???
// <console>:25: error: type mismatch;
//  found   : TypeTetris.Request
//  required: TypeTetris.Request.Unauthorized
//            val authorized = authorize(request)
//                                       ^

Ahh, we split Request into two cases, so we need to start in the correct, unauthorized request state:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request

  object Request {
    final case class Unauthorized() extends Request
    final case class Authorized() extends Request

  type Response

  // ensure request is unauthorized
  def service(request: Request.Unauthorized): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)


  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Handling authorization success and failure

Ok, we’ve attempted to authorize an unauthorized request. Let’s put ??? placeholders in for the two cases:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request

  object Request {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Request
    case class Authorized() extends Request

  type Response

  def service(request: Request.Unauthorized): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)

    authorized map (r => ???) getOrElse ???

  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Let’s handle unauthorized requests first. We need a Response that means “unauthorized”:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request

  object Request {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Request
    case class Authorized() extends Request

  sealed trait Response

  object Response {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Response

  def service(request: Request.Unauthorized): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)

    authorized map (r => ???) getOrElse Future.successful(Response.Unauthorized())

  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Now let’s handle the case if our request is authorized:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request

  object Request {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Request
    case class Authorized() extends Request

  sealed trait Response

  object Response {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Response

  def service(request: Request.Unauthorized): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)

    authorized map doWork getOrElse Future.successful(Response.Unauthorized())

  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] = ???

  // again, we don't implement this yet
  def doWork(request: Request.Authorized): Future[Response] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Implement the remaining unimplemented methods

Finally we can fill in the implementation of authorize:

object TypeTetris {
  import scala.concurrent.Future

  sealed trait Request

  object Request {
    case class Unauthorized(secret: String) extends Request
    case class Authorized() extends Request

  sealed trait Response

  object Response {
    case class Unauthorized() extends Response

  def service(request: Request.Unauthorized): Future[Response] = {
    val authorized = authorize(request)

    authorized map doWork getOrElse Future.successful(Response.Unauthorized())

  def authorize(request: Request.Unauthorized): Option[Request.Authorized] =
    if (request.secret == "secret") Some(Request.Authorized())
    else None

  def doWork(request: Request.Authorized): Future[Response] = ???
// defined object TypeTetris

Now somebody else can write doWork. :)


In this post we have seen how we can incrementally build a program to match our specification, delaying the need for implementation details until we really need them. Specifically:

  • Use abstract types to name concepts. Defer the need for data or methods on them! They can be useful without them.
  • Use ??? when you don’t care, yet, what an implementation should be.
  • When you fill in a ??? in an expression, first create methods with no implementation, using ???, to name operations. Again, naming, by creating a type, comes before implementation. (In this case, creating an unimplemented method is equivalent to creating a function type)
  • Don’t forget to implement the code you didn’t write yet via ???. You can turn on compiler option -Ywarn-dead-code with options -Xfatal-warnings, -Xlint to have the compiler help you remember. (Annoyingly, the compiler doesn’t always find them, so caveat lector)

Programming with types can be fun in itself, like playing a game of Tetris, and they get you most of the way to working programs. Have fun! (cue the Коробейники)

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