What’s On?

Scala Exchange is London’s annual Scala conference. This year, in addition to having three talks in the main programme, we are sponsoring the conference and helping run satellite events. Here’s a breakdown:

Miles Sabin—Typelevel Scala Rebooted

Miles will be talking about the Typelevel Scala compiler and its role in a number of important bug fixes and improvements to Scala, including SIP-23, SI-2712, and SI-7046. The Typelevel and Lightbend compiler teams are working closely to make sure all improvements are merged back into Lightbend Scala, so everyone benefits from this work.

Dave Gurnell—Establishing Orbit with Shapeless

Dave will be continuing his sequence of introductory shapeless talks that started earlier in the year at Scala World. If you’re interested in learning shapeless, be sure to download a copy of the Type Astronaut’s Guide to Shapeless, our new free eBook.

Noel Welsh—Doodle: Visualisation in Scala

Noel will be talking about [Doodle][doodle], our functional drawing library, and its application to visualisation and charting. Doodle started out as a simple teaching library, but is growing as Noel adds more abstractions and modelling techniques.


We’re partnering with Skills Matter, Typelevel, and the London Scala User Group to organise the second Scala Exchange Unconference and Hack Day, a free day of talks and hack sessions on the Saturday after Scala Exchange. Read more and grab a ticket on the ScalaxHack web site!

Where and When?

Scala Exchange will run on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December at the Business Design Center near Angel tube station in London. ScalaxHack will run on Saturday 10th December at CodeNode near Moorgate tube station.

This talk will be given by Miles Sabin at Scala Days Berlin in Berlin on 17 June 2016.

Anything Else?


Be sure to drop by the Underscore booth at Scala Exchange. We’ll have plenty of great promotional items to give away. You may have seen some hints as to waht on Twitter recently. Follow @underscoreio to find out more.